
New trends in Landscape Architecture based on European Green Deal Challenges

You might be interested to watch the webinars organized by the Panhellenic Association of Landscape Architects in Greece. I am attaching the full program with the guest speakers. The first day is in English and the second day is in Greek. I am sending you the invitation and announcement of the webinars. #webinars 10 & 17 | 04 | 2021 New trends in Landscape Architecture based on European Green Deal Challenges In order to respond to the European Green Deal challenges and United Nations 2030 sustainable development goals the Panhellenic Association of Landscape Architects invites you to two circle webinars, in English and Greek, aiming to tackle the above issues by presenting the new trends towards, biodiversity recognition, as a source for sustainable economy and development, nature-based solutions, climate change mitigation measures, and circular economy as a framework to enhance economic and environmental resilience. Speakers from Greece and abroad, will highlight the critical role of Landscape Architects in relation to the European Green Deal challenges, via theoretical and practical examples of their work.   The webinars are free and subscription is not required. Please follow the links for each day: 10 | 04 | 2021  [Presentation in English] https://zoom.us/j/91317377048?pwd=azdTdXVJZkNXcElneEt5cGRFTXdOQT09   17 | 04 | 2021 [Presentation in Greek] https://zoom.us/j/96816160862?pwd=NzhvZnE3Mm8valZpUjh6UU42Wmw2QT09   EN SAVOIR + : ICI

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