It is my pleasure to invite you to the SoGREEN Symposium On the Green Move which will take place on 30 April 2021 from 13.00 to 17.00 CET!
This event is organised by SoGreen umbrella organisation and a global stakeholder group that unites green industries – European Landscape Contractors Association (ELCA), European Nursery stock Association (ENA), European Interior Landscaping Organisation (EILO), European Federation of Green Roof and Living Wall Associations (EFB), IFLA Europe, International Organisation for Natural Bathing Waters (IOB) and World Urban Parks (WUP).
Seven speakers from different countries representing SoGreen member organisations will speak about about 7 different aspects of the living green on Nature Based Solutions!
Ms Stefan Leiner, DG Environment, Head of Unit/Biodiversity will address the issue from the aspect of EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.
Ms Elena Visnar-Malinovska,DG Climate, Head of Unit/Adaptation, will speak about living in an increasingly hostile climate: what is the (climate adaptation) policy take and orientations?
Ms Sirpa Pietikainen, member of the European Parliament will address about the participants about the importance of urban and green infrastructure.
Ms Chantal van Ham, IUCN European Regional Office, EU Programme Manager for Nature Based Solution will give presentation on Partnerships for Nature-based Solutions: towards a resilient and regenerative Europe
Please refer to the programme for all details of the Symposium. For more information please visit IFLA Europe website IFLA Europe Website News – SoGreen Symposium « EU Green Deal on the Green Move »
Join us for this important event – the link to the event is attached in the invitation together with instructions. We would be grateful if you could share the information about this event among all your members and partners!
Looking forward to seeing you on 30 April 2021!
More information: here